Wednesday, May 14, 2014

So, Easter has come and gone. The candy has been eaten and now I have all these plastic eggs hanging around. 

It seems that each year they multiple while they are in storage, so I wanted to use them in sensory art in an creative way. I sorted through all the eggs and decided to use the ones that had a safety holes in them. These are originally meant to ensure that if a half were to get lodged in a child's mouth, they could still breathe (a possibility with my group of kids). Today these holes will also serve as pre-made lacing holes.

I had all the eggs in an Easter basket, which was passed around the table. Each student was asked to choose 6 eggs. They were then asked to separate the halves and sort the big and little halves. I asked them to trade halves so that they all had the same sized. I passed out pairs of pipe cleaners that were twisted a few times approximately 2 inches from one end. They then threaded the pipe cleaners through the all the egg halves. I then secured the pipe cleaners by twisting the last inch together. I handed out an opposing egg half to connect with the last piece. Finally, we spaced out the eggs to give the worm some "wiggle room".

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