This week in my one-on-one art session we worked on flexibility and small variations. Our base for each project was the letter Z. I prepared a few sheets with a highlighted cut line or draw line.
Our first Z, we traced the draw line repeatedly with different markers (first hand-over-hand and then independently) to practice our line direction and lifting our arm of the table, as to make big line motions smoothly. Next, I directed to cut the two highlighted triangles on each side of the paper.
The next Z was created with masking tape. I cut and placed the pieces in the letter shape. Markers were then used to color all over in all the colors. Once we identified that the instructions had been met, by finding white space and naming the colors while comparing with our markers, we removed the tape.
The third Z used another prepared paper. I selected sheets of small stickers and instructed that they need to be placed inside the lines. Once the space was filled, glue and glitter were used to outline the letter.
Our fourth and final Z involved string pony beads on pipe cleaners. To give fingers a break from all the fine motor of beading, we hole punched the four corners of a piece of cardstock.
We threaded the ends of the pipe cleaners through the holes to form our letter.
To secure, I twisted the joining pipe cleaners together and taped all the ends with packaging tape to the back of the paper.
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